
Content Marketing for Stage Entertainment – Market Leader in Musicals & Live Entertainment

From 2010 to 2020

Musicalfreunde started back in 2010 as a content marketing website with interactive elements. The aim is to provide neutral coverage of the entire musical scene (national and international), from which Stage Entertainment benefits disproportionately due to its market position. In 2012, the company entered Facebook, and in 2018, Instagram.


Strategy & Implementation
  • Building a large community of high-interest musical fans & influencers.
  • Online editing, community management & premiere support
  • Primarily organic growth due to genuine interest in musicals
  • Conception and implementation of online communication, raffles & exclusive events
  • Sentiment analysis

Largest musical community in DACH built on Instagram & Facebook, with real fans influencing musical attendance. Fan transfer to productions, authentic access to the musical scene, and consumer insights.